Šolske knjižnice v mesecu oktobru praznujejo svoj mednarodni mesec. Glavni namen praznovanja tega meseca je, da šolsko in širšo javnost opozorimo na pomen šolskih knjižnic za učenje in raziskovanje. Letošnje geslo ODPRTOST RAZNOVRSTNIM IZZIVOM : TO SO ŠOLSKE KNJIŽNICE sporoča, da so šolske knjižnice lahko središče sprememb, da se šolske knjižnice zmorejo vedno znova odpirati izzivom poučevanja, branja, umetniškega ustvarjanja in druženja. S praznovanjem tega dne želimo opozoriti na delo šolskih knjižnic in izpostaviti njihov pomen pri izobraževanju in vzgoji učencev.

Šolska knjižnica osnovne šole Antona Globočnika iz Postojne je ob tej priložnosti pripravila vrsto dejavnosti, ki so predstavljene v tem spletnem dnevniku.
Vljudno vabim tudi druge šolske knjižnice, da tukaj objavijo svoje predstavitve dejavnosti v mesecu oktobru. Verjamem, da je bilo v šolskih knjižnicah ta mesec še posebno veselo in razigrano.

School libraries in October celebrate International School Library Month. The main aim of celebrating this month is to alert the school comunity and general public of the importance of school library in the process of learning and exploring. The theme of this year DIVERSITY CHALLENGE RESILIENCE : SCHOOL LIBRARIES HAVE IT ALL communicates that school libraries can be the center of changes, that school libraries can be opened for the challenges of teaching, reading, artistic creativity and socializing. With the celebrating of this day we want to alert of school libraries' work and to expose the importance of school libraries at learning process and education of the students.

School library of primary school Anton Globočnik from Postojna, Slovenia prepared a few activities to celebrate this month and are presented in this blog.

I would like you to be part of our team - post a presentation of what you have done in your school library.

April 19, 2011

Do you know them?

This is an activity we made to celebrate The International School Library Day in Colegiul National "Andrei Muresanu" Dej, Cluj, Romania

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